Break free from the past with EMDR therapy.

At Hive Wellness Collective, EMDR therapy is a key to unlocking a brighter, unburdened future by helping you process and release the grip of past traumas.

What is EMDR therapy?

EMDR therapy, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy, is a highly effective form of psychotherapy designed to help individuals process and heal from traumatic experiences. During EMDR sessions, you'll work closely with a trained therapist who will guide you through a structured process that involves recalling distressing memories while simultaneously undergoing bilateral stimulation, such as following the therapist's finger movements with your eyes or listening to alternating sounds or taps.

This bilateral stimulation is believed to help unlock the brain's natural ability to process and integrate traumatic memories, allowing them to be stored in a healthier and less distressing way. As a result, individuals often experience a reduction in the emotional intensity and distress associated with these memories, along with a greater sense of resolution and relief.

EMDR therapy taps into your brain's natural ability to heal, to help bring faster relief so you can finally feel better.

With EMDR therapy you can:

  • Relieve Trauma's Weight: EMDR therapy offers relief by processing traumatic memories, lightening emotional burdens, and restoring peace.

  • Refocus Negative Beliefs: EMDR helps challenge and replace negative beliefs from trauma with empowering perspectives, promoting personal growth.

  • Regain Emotional Balance: By desensitizing trauma triggers, EMDR therapy restores emotional stability, empowering better emotion regulation.

  • Unlock Growth Potential: EMDR therapy goes beyond symptom relief, unlocking newfound strength, insight, and purpose for a more confident life.

How EMDR therapy works

Imagine your brain as a superhighway of information, with memories stored like cars traveling along its lanes. When we experience trauma, these memories can get stuck in the fast lane, causing emotional distress and symptoms like anxiety or depression.

EMDR therapy works like a traffic controller, helping these stuck memories move off the fast lane and integrate with the flow of traffic. Through a guided process that includes eye movements or other bilateral stimulation, EMDR therapy helps your brain reprocess traumatic memories, reducing their emotional charge and freeing you from their grip.

But here's the real magic: EMDR therapy doesn't just alleviate symptoms; it unlocks your natural healing potential. By processing these memories, you can experience profound emotional and psychological transformation, leaving you feeling lighter, more resilient, and ready to embrace life with newfound confidence.

So, if you're tired of feeling stuck in the past and ready to reclaim control of your present and future, EMDR therapy might be just what you need.

how to get emdr

Weekly EMDR Therapy

Experience the power of EMDR therapy within a traditional weekly therapy model at Hive. By accessing different parts of the brain, our sessions are not only efficient but effective. Collaborate with your dedicated EMDR therapist to target your goals, reprocess traumatic memories, and emerge with a newfound sense of self.

Adjunct EMDR Sessions

Already got a talk therapist you love? No problem! Enhance your current therapy journey with adjunct EMDR sessions at Hive. Collaborating with your existing talk therapist, we'll tailor your EMDR sessions to complement your current treatment plan. This integrated approach maximizes positive outcomes and fosters profound healing.



  • EMDR therapy sessions typically last around 60 to 90 minutes, although the duration may vary depending on individual needs and therapist preferences. Sessions are often scheduled on a weekly basis, but the frequency and duration of sessions can be adjusted based on progress and treatment goals.

  • EMDR therapy can benefit individuals who have experienced various types of trauma, including but not limited to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), childhood abuse, accidents, natural disasters, or combat experiences. It can also be helpful for individuals struggling with symptoms such as anxiety, depression, phobias, or other trauma-related issues.

  • It's essential to assess your readiness for EMDR therapy in collaboration with a qualified therapist. Generally, individuals who are willing to actively engage in therapy, open to confronting distressing memories, and motivated to work towards healing and growth may be suitable candidates for EMDR therapy. However, readiness may vary depending on individual circumstances, and a thorough assessment with a therapist is recommended.

  • EMDR therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) are both evidence-based treatments for trauma and related conditions, but they differ in their approaches. While CBT focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors through cognitive restructuring and exposure therapy, EMDR therapy targets the reprocessing of traumatic memories to alleviate distressing symptoms. Both approaches can be effective, and the choice between them may depend on individual preferences and treatment goals.

  • While discussing traumatic memories is a key component of EMDR therapy, you won't necessarily need to provide detailed verbal accounts of your trauma during every session. Instead, your therapist will guide you through the process of recalling and processing these memories using techniques such as bilateral stimulation. Your therapist will ensure that you feel safe and supported throughout the process and will adjust the therapy to your comfort level.

  • Yes, EMDR therapy can be conducted online. Remote EMDR therapy sessions allow individuals to access treatment from the comfort of their own homes, making therapy more accessible and convenient.

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