play therapy in michigan

Healing through the power of play.

Your child has incredible gifts, strengths, & potential and we’re here to help them discover that.

The worry that keeps you up at night – wondering if your child is truly okay.

It's a feeling that weighs heavily on every parent's heart. You've noticed changes in your child's behavior or mood, perhaps increased anxiety, withdrawal, or difficulty expressing themselves. It's like a knot in your stomach, a constant nagging fear that something isn't right. You feel helpless, unsure of how to support your child through their struggles, and desperate for answers.

It's tough to see your child wrestle with overwhelming emotions all on their own, and it's even tougher not knowing how to help them. It's a rollercoaster of feelings – from guilt and frustration to heartache and worry – and it can leave you feeling utterly exhausted and drained.

But here’s the thing: you don’t have to do this alone. Through play therapy at Hive, your child can find the strength to face their challenges head-on, while we provide the guidance and resources you need to navigate through it all, together.

How can play therapy help?

Play therapy can be helpful for children facing a wide range of emotional, behavioral, and social challenges. By engaging in play therapy, children can:

  • Express and process difficult emotions, such as sadness, anger, or fear.

  • Develop healthy coping skills and strategies for managing stress and anxiety.

  • Build self-esteem and confidence in themselves and their abilities.

  • Improve communication and social skills, leading to better relationships with peers and family members.

  • Work through traumatic experiences or life changes in a safe and supportive environment.

  • Explore and resolve issues related to behavior, such as aggression, defiance, or withdrawal.

How play therapy works

Play therapy is all about giving your child a safe space to express themselves in their own unique way.

From building with blocks to creating art and playing games, each activity is carefully designed to help your child overcome challenges and develop essential + invaluable skills like problem-solving, emotional regulation, and communication. These skills lay the foundation for lifelong success, equipping your child with the tools they need to thrive in every aspect of their life.

how to get play therapy


  • In our cozy Ann Arbor, Michigan office, your child engages in playful activities under the guidance of a skilled therapist. They have access to a variety of toys, games, and art supplies, creating a safe space to express themselves freely, navigate through challenges and explore their emotions.

  • With virtual play therapy, your child can experience the benefits of therapy from the comfort of home. Through secure video conferencing technology, they connect with their therapist in a familiar and convenient setting. Using digital tools and interactive activities, your child engages in meaningful play sessions that promote self-expression and growth. Virtual play therapy offers flexibility and accessibility, ensuring that your child receives the support they need, no matter where they are.




  • It's particularly beneficial for children aged 3-12, helping with a range of issues including emotional difficulties, behavior problems, and traumatic experiences. It can help with things like anxiety, depression, ADHD, and the impact of abuse, death/loss, or family issues like divorce.

  • Sessions can vary in structure; sometimes kids lead the play (non-directed), choosing their activities freely, which helps them express themselves in their own way. Other times, the therapist might guide the play (directed) with specific activities or themes to explore particular issues.

    For virtual play therapy, the approach adapts to the online setting while still striving to provide a therapeutic and engaging experience. Therapists might incorporate digital tools like virtual drawing boards or online games that mimic the in-person playroom experience. They might also encourage children to use their own toys and engage in interactive games with their favorite items at home. The goal remains the same: to help children express themselves and work through their emotions, albeit through a screen.

    Both formats aim to maintain the therapeutic relationship and achieve similar goals, just through different mediums. Sessions typically last 45-50 minutes.

  • Parents play a crucial role by supporting their child's process, maintaining realistic expectations, and often by participating in separate sessions to discuss progress and ways to support their child outside of therapy.

  • Yes, it can address social, emotional, and behavioral issues that impact a child's performance and experience at school.

  • The duration of play therapy can vary greatly depending on the child's specific needs and the issues being addressed. It's a gradual process, and some changes might be subtle and take time to become evident.

  • Yes, research supports the efficacy of play therapy in various settings and populations, showing significant positive outcomes in emotional and behavioral health.

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