3 Things I Wouldn’t Do Postpartum: Real Talk From A Mom & Maternal Mental Health Specialist

Postpartum: it's like entering a new world where you're expected to instantly become an expert in a tiny human. As a seasoned mom and a maternal mental health specialist, I've seen and lived through the messy, beautiful shit show that is postpartum life. And while I'm all for learning on the job, there are a few things I'd definitely skip if I had to do it all over again in the name of good mental health.

1. Use sleep/feeding trackers

Ah, sleep and feeding trackers. They promise control and understanding but frequently end up as fancy anxiety amplifiers. Here's the thing: tracking every nap and every feed can turn you into a walking, talking spreadsheet, minus the efficiency. It's easy to fall into the trap of obsessing over every detail, which only fuels anxiety. Babies are wonderfully unpredictable, and sometimes, it's best to go with their flow rather than trying to plot it on a graph. Trust your instincts; they're your best guide.

2. Feel guilty about setting a “no visitors” rule for whatever period of time feels right for your family

Feeling bad about setting a 'no visitors' rule? Please don't. Your postpartum period isn't a public viewing at the zoo. If you want to hibernate with your baby for a few weeks (or months), do it with confidence. Your home isn't a 24/7 open house; it's your sanctuary to bond with your baby and recuperate. People will understand, and if they don't, that's okay too. You're not responsible for managing others' expectations, only your well-being and that of your baby. So, close the doors if you need to – the world can wait.

3. Forget that Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders can happen to literally anyone

As a therapist specializing in maternal mental health, you’d think I’d be immune to postpartum depression, right? Nope. PPD hit me like a freight train. It's a stark reminder that perinatal mood and anxiety disorders can happen to anyone – and I mean anyone. So, if something feels off, speak up. Feeling like you're not bonding with your baby or constantly overwhelmed isn’t just 'new mom stuff' – it's real, and it's treatable.Remember, it's okay not to be okay, and there's a whole world of support waiting to help you through.

Your Postpartum Ally: Hive Wellness Collective

The postpartum journey is a wild ride, one that can often leave you feeling more like you’re winging it rather than winning it. And that’s perfectly okay. If you’re feeling a bit lost or overwhelmed, remember, it’s not just you – this is a road many have traveled, and it's alright to ask for directions.

At Hive Wellness Collective, we get it because we’ve been there. Our clinicians are seasoned pros in navigating the complexities of perinatal mental health. We're here to offer you a listening ear, practical support, and a space to breathe and be heard. Whether it’s tackling mom rage, dealing with the rollercoaster of emotions, or just needing someone to validate that yes, this stuff is really dang hard, we’re here for you.

Drop us a line, and let’s chat about how we can support you on your journey to feeling more like yourself again – one step at a time.


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